- 담당자시스템관리자
- 등록일2024-02-22
- 조회수210
※ 첨부파일이 존재하지 않습니다.
The number of foreigners and multicultural families residing in Korea continues to increase. According to data released by Statistics Korea in August 2020, the total population in Korea was 51.78 million as of November 1, 2019 with foreigners accounting for 1.78 million (3.4%). The total population grew by 150,000 (0.3%) from the previous year. Compared to 2018, the number of Koreans increased by 22,000 (0.04%), while the number of foreigners increased by 127,000 (7.7%). This proves that Korean population gain was largely contributed by foreigners. Likewise, the number of multicultural families is increasing. There were 350,000 multicultural households and 1.06 million members thereof accounting for 1.7% of regular households and 2.1% of total population, respectively. Creating favorable living conditions for foreigners is one of the policy goals for Korea to raise its global standing. In August, the government formed the second population policy taskforce to cope with the expected decline in population from this year and announced “Direction responding to changes in the population structure.” It includes measures to expand economic activities of talented foreigners, increase labor productivity and preempt the regional doughnut effects. Foreigners and multicultural families are no longer on the periphery of our society, but members of the community who live with us and coalesce into our society. In order to establish the basis of government policies to ensure that foreign workers are guaranteed human rights and right to work, and that multicultural families can be positioned as an axis of our society without discrimination, accurate demographics of foreigners are needed. Solid understanding of foreign population allows for precise analyses of impact on domestic employment market which the government can use to establish comprehensive employment policies. The quinquennial sample survey for the Population and Housing Census of Statistics Korea will take place from October 15 until November 18. The Census surveys all Koreans and foreigners as well as their residences in Korea. For the Census of the entire population, a survey is conducted using administrative data such as the resident register and building register, thereby reducing the burden of response to the public while a direct survey is implemented for 20% of the population selected as samples to obtain detailed data on economic activities, commuting and other matters requiring an in-depth survey. Foreigners selected as samples can conveniently participate in an internet survey using their PCs or mobile phones. If they do not participate in the internet or telephone survey, an interviewer will visit them in-person to fill out questionnaires through a tablet. It is not easy to conduct surveys about foreigners. Response rate is much lower than that of Koreans. Limited communication due to language barriers is regarded as the main reason. In an effort to make improvements, this year’s questionnaires and information materials will be available in ten languages. Some are loath to take a survey because of concerns that illegal aliens or unregistered foreigners may face crackdowns and punishment if they comply with the survey. This is not true at all. Any personal information of foreigners is strictly protected by law and information provided is used only for statistical data collection which is never used to the disadvantage of its provider. I, Commissioner of Statistics Korea and Head of the 2020 Census, encourage more foreigners and multicultural families to actively take part in the 2020 Census which will lay a cornerstone for shaping the future of Korea. 국내 거주 외국인과 다문화가구 수가 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 통계청이 지난 8월 발표한 자료에 따르면 2019년 11월 1일 기준 우리나라의 총 인구는 5178만명이고 외국인은 이 중 3.4%인 178만명을 차지한다. 총인구는 전년 대비 15만명(0.3%) 증가했다. 2018년 대비 내국인은 2만2000명(0.04%)늘어난 데 비해 외국인은 12만7000명(7.7%)증가했다. 총 인구 증가 기여의 대부분을 외국인이 차지한 것이다. 다문화 가구도 꾸준히 늘고 있다. 다문화 가구는 35만 가구로 일반 가구의 1.7%이며 가구